Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hearing God...

How do you hear God?

In this journey of faith that I am and forever will be on, I often hear of people who have "heard" God tell them things. At first, I thought they were a little weird. Then I thought they were a little crazy. But after a while, I actually was jealous. I kept thinking to myself, "I want to hear God! I want him to whisper to me. Heck, I want him to shout down from the heavens and tell me what to do!!!!" And finally, I heard Him.

I think everyone knows that I'm about as single as they come. And I'm generally ok with it. (Don't worry, this isn't a "poor, single girl" blog story.) I'm very picky when it comes to men. I know what I want and I will not settle until I get it. But sometimes the mind and the body don't agree and go for different things...

Awhile back I met a guy who didn't even pop up on my radar. I knew he wasn't the guy for me for various reasons of which I won't name here. He's a nice guy and all, but not right for me. Well, somehow, all of the sudden I became hugely attracted to this guy. I couldn't stop thinking about him, all the while knowing that he was definitely NOT what I wanted in a future husband. So "guy" and I became friends and hung out a few times, just as friends. We played the texting game as well. Eventually it got to be too much for me and I wanted to stop thinking about him. I didn't want these feelings for him. Then a light went on and I remember thinking to myself, "Hey, I need to go to God with this". So I prayed about it...

This is exactly what I prayed (well, maybe not word for word, but the general gist): "Lord, I know this guy is not the one you have for me. I know you have someone special for me and I am waiting patiently and faithfully for him. Please, I ask you to take away my feelings for the wrong guy and to take away my thoughts that have to do with him." I remember saying this prayer as I was doing a little house cleaning. Then later that day as I sat down to the computer, I looked at my phone, hoping to have received a text from the guy. And all of the sudden, a thought came into my head: "Jenna, delete his contact info." At first, I thought maybe that it was my idea, but I didn't really want to delete his info. But the thought was very insistent. So I did. I deleted his info and (I'm not exaggerating) a feeling of peace came over me.

To this day, which is about three weeks later, I have hardly thought about him at all except to think to myself "I haven't thought about so and so in awhile". I KNOW in my heart that what I "thought" was really God talking to me. He spoke to me! But you know what I think is more important and more significant that Him speaking to me (because I now know that He has spoken to me before)? The fact that I OBEYED. I did what He told me to do and HE ANSWERED MY PRAYER! God is so gloriously wonderful! He truly is mysterious and awesome.

So I'll ask you again, how do you hear God?

"Give ear to my words, O Lord,
consider my sighing.
Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation."

~ Psalm 5: 1-3 (NIV)